Invoice Related Documents

Use the Invoice Related Documents page to view any documents related to your invoice. You access the Invoice Related Documents page from the Invoice Summary page when you click the Invoice # link from the Invoices > In Process page.

To view Related Documents page requires View Invoices and POs/BPOs added to your role.


The information in the table below describes the Invoice Related Documents fields.

Field Name


Invoice #

Displays the invoice number. Click to access the Invoice detail page.


Displays the name of the supplier. Click to view the supplier form.

Date Range

Displays the Invoice date range.


PO #

Displays the purchase order number. Click to view the purchase order.

Invoiced check box

Displays a checkmark if the PO was invoiced.

Issue Date

Displays the date of issue of the PO.


Displays the terms of the PO.


Displays the status of the PO.


Displays the PO total amount.

Blanket POs

Blanket PO#

Displays the blanket PO number. Click to view the Blanket PO.

Invoiced check box

Displays a check mark if the Blanket PO was invoiced.

Start Date

Displays the start date of the Blanket PO.

Expiration Date

Displays the expiration date of the Blanket PO.


Displays the Blanket PO status.

Remaining Amount

Displays the amount remaining on the Blanket PO to be invoiced.

Blanket PO Amount

Displays the total amount of the Blanket PO.

Invoices and Credit Memos


Displays next to a number in the Invoice # column if the document is a credit memo.

Invoice #

Displays the invoice or credit memo number. Click to view the invoice or credit memo.

PO #

Displays the PO number. Click to view the PO.

Invoice Date

Displays the date of the invoice.

Due Date

Displays the Invoice due date. If the invoice is subject to prompt pay penalties, the number of penalty days is displayed.


Displays the status of the Invoice.


Displays the amount of the Invoice.

Document Source

Displays the source of the Invoice.

Rejected and Voided Invoices History


Displays next to a number in the Invoice # column if the document is a credit memo.

Invoice #

Displays the invoice or credit memo number. Click to view the invoice or credit memo.

PO #

Displays the PO number. Click to view the PO.

Invoice Date

Displays the date of the invoice.

Due Date

Displays the invoice due date.


Displays the invoice status.


Displays the invoice amount.

Document Source

Displays the source of the invoice.


Payment Type

ACH - Automated Clearing House. Payment is made by the U.S. Treasury or Disbursing agency

Check - payment is made by check

Wire Transfer - payment is made by wire transfer from an individual to a bank or an individual to another individual

Payer Name

Displays the name of the paying disburser.

Issue Date

Displays the date the payment was issued.

Returned Date

Displays the date the payment was returned.


Displays the status of the payment.


Displays the amount of the payment.


Displays the reason for a reduced amount.


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