Viewing the Invoice Detail Page

The Invoice Detail page displays information carried from the purchase order.


From the Invoice Detail page, you can select the Edit link to update the Distribution Details.


Field Name


Bill To

Billing Name and Address of the buyer agency

Header Custom Fields (1 - 6)

Label assigned to the field by the Disburser Administrator and values submitted during the PO Upload 

Contract Number

Contract number, if the PO is associated to a contract

Buyer Contact Name

Buyer Phone

Buyer Email address

Buyer name, phone number, and email address


COR Phone

COR Email

Contracting Officer's (COR) name , phone number, and email address

Goods/Services Received Date

Date when the goods were received or services used by the buyer agency

Goods/Services Accepted Date

Date when the goods or services were accepted by incoming inspection

First Approver Date

Date when the first approver accepted the invoice (if workflow is enabled)

Prompt Pay Special Handling

Displays whether the invoice is subject to Prompt Pay penalties.

Currency Code

Code for the type of currency

PO Freight Limit

Not applicable.

Contract No

Up to 25 alphanumeric characters and no special characters

Subject to

Terms and conditions of the contract

Buyer Contact, Phone, Email

Name of the buyer, phone number, and email address

Contracting Officer (CO)



Name of the contracting officer, phone number, and email address.

Appropriations Data

Type of appropriation

FOB (Freight on Board) Point

FOB site

Goods/Services Received Date

Date the goods were inspected by incoming inspection or services approved


Acceptance criteria

First Approver Date

Date when the initial approver inspected the goods

Prompt Pay Special Handling

Displays if Prompt Pay Special Handling is used.

Currency Code

Type of currency used

PO Freight Limit

Weight limit if used

Invoice Amount

Total amount of the invoice

Prepared By

Name of the Collector who created the invoice


Preparer's telephone number


Email address of the preparer

Business Unit

Cost Center

Department ID

Displays the Business Unit, Cost Center, and Department ID codes. For large invoices, where you have more than one page of lines and schedules, you must save changes to Reference Data using the Save Changes button next to Business Unit, Cost Center, and Department ID

Save Changes button

Saves changes you make to Business Unit, Cost Center, and Department ID

Invoice Line Items

INV Line #, Dist #

Line number of the item on the invoice. Click to view the Distribution details.

PO Line #

Line number from the PO

Line Custom Fields (1 -- 4)

Label assigned to the field by the Disburser Administrator and values submitted during the PO Upload

PO Sch. #

Schedule number from the PO

PO Dist #

Distribution number from the PO

Agency Part #

Part number for the item on the PO

Item Code

Code for the item on the PO


Description of the item on the PO


Contract Line Item Number and Sub Line Item Number submitted during the PO Upload and carried from the PO to the invoice

Service Date From and To

From and To dates of service


Number of items in the order

Unit Price

Unit price of the line item

U.O.M. (Type)

Unit of measure of the line item, such as "each" or "hours". In parenthesis, displays unit of measure type, such as G (goods) or (S) services.

Extended Price

Total amount of the line item

Tax Type


Tax %


Tax Amount


Total Taxes


Total Amount

Total of all charges on the invoice


Any comments on the invoice

PO Comments

Any comments from the PO

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