Editing the Invoice

Occasionally the actual distribution of goods or services is different from that specified in the PO or Blanket PO. In addition, the accounting information can be incorrect or missing. When this happens, the agency can edit the invoice to provide the correct distribution quantities and/or change the accounting details.

In addition, if the Disburser Administrator enables the “Apply Ceiling Limit to Distribution” Workflow option, IPP checks the distribution amount edits to ensure you did not exceed a distribution record.

Workflow Edit task options include:

You can also edit an invoice if the Disburser Administrator assigned the Invoice – Edit permission to one of your roles, or if the Disburser Administrator configured the Edit Override in the Workflow task configuration. With Edit abilities, you can add, modify, or delete accounting and distribution information. You can edit the accounting information by adding to or changing the various account codes.

To edit the invoice distribution detail:

  1. From the Invoices tab, In Process sub-tab, locate the invoice you want to edit.

  2. Scroll to the invoice to INV Line#.Dist# column on the bottom of the invoice.

  3. Select a line number and click the Edit link under the View Edit column to open the invoice distribution detail page. IPP displays the line number you selected at the top of the distribution page.

If the quantity of the item and/or the amount of the item is out of balance, IPP displays a red square around the unbalanced QTY or Amount.

  1. Change or delete a Distribution from the invoice as follows:

  1. Add a new Distribution to the invoice by clicking the Add Distribution Line.  
    Note:  This option is not available for PO based Invoices if you use the "Apply Ceiling Limit to Distribution" functionality.

  1. Click Submit to save your edits to the invoice. IPP displays the Invoice page.
  2. Click Save and close edit. IPP displays the Complete Task page.
  3. Do the following:


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