Using the Report Wizard

Use the report wizard to build reports tailored to your requirements.  Users with the Report Wizard Administration permission can also manage user access to certain columns and reports by role.


To create a new report in the Report Wizard:

  1. From the Analysis tab, click the Report Wizard sub-tab. The Create New Report page appears.

  1. Click Create new report.

  2. Select a report from the report category list and then click Next.

Field Name


Enrollment Reports

Enrollment Information, Enrollment Activation, Match Information

Invoice Reports

Invoice/Credit Memo Information, Invoice/Credit Memo Summary Information, Invoice/Credit Memo Payment Due Information, Invoice/Credit Memo Status Update Information, Supplier Information

Matched Supplier Reports

Vendor Information, Vendor Site Information, Supplier Information, Company Information, Address Information, Audit Information

Payment Reports

Payment Information, Supplier Information, Vendor Information, Vendor Site Information, Purchase Order Information, Invoice Information, and Invoice Summary Information

Purchase Order Reports

Purchase Order/Blanket PO Information, Purchase Order/Blanket PO Status Information, Invoice/Credit Memo Information, Supplier Information

User Reports

User Information, Role Information, Permissions Information, Audit Information

XMVL Reports

Vendor Information, Vendor Site Information, XMVL Audit Information

Note: You do not have to select each page in order. If you know how you want to create the report, select Jump to Step list and make your selections for the report.

  1. From the Select the report columns page, select the columns that you want displayed on the report and click Next.

  2. From the Select Column Grouping page, select the grouping, if any, for your columns and click Next.

  3. From the Order the report columns page, select the order in which you want the report columns to appear. Use the Top, Bottom, and Up, Down arrows to order your columns and then click Next.

  4. From the Select report filters page, do the following:

  1. Do any of the following:

Once the report is saved, it is available from the Report Wizard page. You can Export, Run, Edit, or Delete your saved reports.


Grouping Columns

Column groupings determine how IPP groups and totals information. It is a convenient way to create a many:1 relationship within your reports. It is best to limit grouping to one or two columns. For example, you can configure the Invoice report results based on the PO number the order was invoiced against. If you add Sub-total as a column, you can group by Sub-total as well.


Managing Column Access

The Disburser users with the Report Wizard Administration permission assigned to one of their roles use this feature to limit access to certain columns for users assigned to a specific role. IPP divided the column selection page into sections that correspond to the report types.


To restrict column access:

1.      From the Analysis tab, click the Report Wizard sub-tab.

2.      Click Manage Column Access. The Assign report columns to role page appears.

3.      From the Role list box, select the role you want to configure for specific column access. IPP refreshes the page and displays the Select the report columns page.

4.      Select any of the following in each report section:

Deselect All – Users assigned to the selected role cannot view any of the columns in this report section.

Select All (default)- Users assigned to the selected role can view all the columns in this report section.

Deselect All and then select specific columns - Users assigned to the selected role can view only the selected the columns in this report section.


Click Submit. Users with the selected role now have access only to columns assigned to the role.

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