Report Wizard

Report Wizard allows you to create, save, and share custom reports. You can choose the column headings, column ordering, subtotaling, and filters to customize the report results.


You must have the appropriate permission set by the Disburser Administrator to use Report Wizard. In addition, the agency must have the Custom Reports optional feature enabled by IPP to have access to the Report Wizard sub-tab. The Report Wizard permissions include:

Use the Report Wizard to run two types of reports, These reports are available to users with either Report Wizard Access permission or Report Wizard Administration permission.

When viewing a Public report created by another user, IPP filters the report results as follows:

Create New Report

The Report Wizard provides templates for the following reports:

Report Category

Available Reporting Data

Enrollment Reports

Vendor Enrollment Information, including Company Name and Address, Contact Name and Email, Payment Terms, Vendor ID

Enroll Activation/Match Information, including Activation Date and Matched information.

Invoice Reports

Invoice Information section, including Invoice Number, Invoice Type, Invoice Create Date, Post Date, Business Unit, Cost Center, PO Number, Invoice Status, Status Comments, Rejected By and Rejected Date, XMVL Vendor Name, PO Vendor Name, and Currency

Invoice Summary Information - totals

Invoice Payment Due Information - Due Date

Invoice Status Update Information, including Action, Activity Date, and Reason

Purchase Order information, including CO Email, CO Name and Phone, and PO Date Created

Supplier Information, including Match Status and Scope.

Matched Supplier Report

Vendor Information, including Vendor Name and XMVL TIN/IPPID,  Vendor Site Information, including Address and Phone Number

Supplier Information, including Match Status and Scope

Company Information, including Activation Date, Address, Company Name and contact information, Address Information

Audit Information, including Activity Date and Modified by.

Payment Reports

Payment Information, including Payment Invoice Number, Payment PO Number, Payment Type, Payment Type Reference #, Payment ALC, Payment ALC Name, # of invoices, # of POs, Effective Date, Issue Date and Address information

Supplier Information, including Match Status and Scope

Vendor Information, including ERP Set ID, Vendor Name, and XMVL TIN/IPP ID

Vendor Site Information, including ERP Site ID, Invoice Flag, and XMVL Name and Vendor Scope.

Purchase Order Information, including PO ALC, PO ALC Name, and PO Number

Invoice Information, including Invoice Status and Invoice Number

Invoice Summary Information = Grand Total


Purchase Order Reports

Purchase Order Information section, including ALC, Currency, PO Date, PO Status, Current Revision Number, Approval Date, Site ID, Set ID, Business Unit, Cost Center, Department ID, XMVL Vendor Name, Quantity Invoiced, Supplementary PIID

Purchase Order Status Information, including Activity Date and Reason

Invoice Information, including Due Date, E-Receipt Date, Invoice Date, Invoice Number, Scheduled Pay Date, and Post Status

Supplier Information, including Match Status and Scope.

User Reports

User Information, including Name, Login ID, User Creation Date, Email Address, Phone Number, Business Unit. Set ID, Last Time Logon

Role Information – Role Name

Permissions Information – Permission Description

Audit Information, including Activity Date, Comments, Modified By

Note: The User report requires Invoice View permission; otherwise it is not available from the selection box. IPP filters the User report by the Disburser user’s Group permissions. Within Invoice View permission, the Disburser Administrator grants the user access to configured groups.

XMVL Reports

Vendor Information, including ERP Set ID, Vendor ID, Vendor Name, and XMVL TIN/IPPID

Vendor Site Information, including Activation Date, Address, Invoice Flag, Invoice Count, XMVL Name and Scope

XMVL Audit Information, including Activity, Audit Date, IPP Status and User ID.

Manage Column Access

The Disburser users with the Report Wizard Administration permission assigned to one of their roles use this feature to limit access to certain columns for users assigned to a specific role. IPP divided the column selection page into sections that correspond to the report types.


Address Information

Permission Information

Audit Information

Purchase Order Information

Company Information

Purchase Order Status Information

Enroll Activation Match Information

Role Information

Enrollment Information

Supplier Information

Invoice Information

User Information

Invoice Payment Due Information

Vendor Information

Invoice Status Update Information

Vendor Site Information

Invoice Summary Information

XMVL Audit Information

Payment Information



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