Payment History

Use the Payment History sub-tab to produce the payment history for each vendor. IPP filters Payment History results by vendor Set ID. The Payment History report displays the history of the vendor payments.

The Disburser user must have the View Payment permission added to their role by the Disburser Administrator to view the Payment History report.

Payment History Summary Table

The information in the table below describes the payment history information. Payment History results are filtered by Vendor Set ID and ALC.

Field Name


Issued Date

Date the agency issues the payment


Name of the vendor name that supplied the goods or services to the agency. Click to view the Vendor information.

# of Transactions

Total number of transactions associated with the selected Collector account.

Total Payment Amount

Total amount of all payments (Settled Full and Settled Reduced). Does not include Cancelled payments.

Click the amount to view the Payment Type Payment, Payment Type Reference, and the Status.

Payment Details

Payment Type

Displays one of the three payment types:

  • ACH – Automated Clearing House. A nationwide electronic funds transfer network that enables   participating financial institutions to distribute electronic credit and debit entries to bank accounts and to settle such entries.

  • IMAD (wire) – A method of electronic funds transfer from one individual or institution to another individual or institution.

  • Check – A written order to a bank to pay the amount specified from funds on deposit.

Payment Reference #

ACH Trace #, the IMAD # (wire), or the Check serial #


Amount of each payment type, including cancelled payments


Displays the status of the payment. The statuses include:

  • Settled Full – Payment made by the US Treasury (or disbursing agency) for the amount of the invoice

  • Settled Reduced – Payment made by the US Treasury (or disbursing agency) for less than the original amount

  • Returned – Not supported

  • Canceled (Offset) – Payment canceled by the U.S. Treasury and, if applicable, payment for a different amount. The payee may have outstanding debts that must settle first.


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