Analysis Reports

The Reports page provides a list of reports that you can select and run. You access the Reports page from the Analysis tab. The ability of the Disburser user to view a report is determined by the permissions, the Disburser user's assignment to an associated group, and selected ALCs assigned to the Disburser user by the Disburser Administrator.

The Activity Summary report has a separate associated permission: Activity Summary Report.

You can view, print, or download the following reports into a spreadsheet application:

Activity Summary Report

The Activity Summary report displays a list of invoices that either posted successfully to the agency’s ERP system or went into exception. If successful, the report displays the Exchange Type “invoice posted to ERP”; otherwise, displays “Failed to post invoice to ERP.” IPP limits the results of the report to your ALCs and group(s) association. In addition, the report displays the POs successfully received into IPP or went into exception. Click the links in the columns to see activity for the Exchange Type, such as Invoice (Post) activity.


The information in the table below describes the Activity Summary report.


Field Name


Activity Date

Date the invoice posted successfully to your ERP or encountered an exception; or the date the PO uploaded into IPP successfully or placed in exception

Exchange Type

Type of activity:

  • Invoice/credit memo (Post) - Status associated with invoices posting to your agency’s ERP system

  • Purchase Orders (New) - Status associated with PO uploads


Number of transactions for the activity date that posted successful. Click the number link to view the successful transactions.


Number of exceptions for the activity date. Click the number link to view the items in exception.

Total Exchanges

Total number transactions for the activity date. Click the number link to view all of the activities.

End of Month Accrual Report

The End of Month Accrual report provides information on the number of invoices accrued at the end of a month but not posted to the ERP system. These invoices may post to the ERP system at the beginning of the next month depending on the agency’s procedures.

The report is limited to your assigned ALCs and associated group(s).

Use this report to analyze the balance of the Accounts. The End of Month Accrual Report provides a more accurate picture of the credit health of an agency because it lists sales as receivables even though the agency has not made the payment.

The following table describes the End of Month Accrual report fields.

Field Name


Invoice Number

Invoice/credit memo number.

Invoice Date

Date of the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user created the invoice/credit memo.

Supplier Name

Name of the vendor that supplied or will supply goods or services to the agency

Click the link under the Supplier Name to view the Vendor form that identifies the vendor name and address, Tax Identification number, Vendor Identification, and Site Identification.


Vendor's General Ledger (GL) account number to which the expenditure is posted.

Distrib. Amount

Amount of the invoice/credit memo spread across the Ledger Account. If there is more than one distribution for any invoice/credit memo, each line is listed separately.

Invoice Amount

Total invoiced amount

PO Number

PO/BPO number.


Not supported

Invoice Activity Reconciliation Report

The Invoice Activity Reconciliation report displays the amount of invoices that posted successfully or failed to post to the agency’s accounting system. IPP limits the results of the report by your ALCs and group(s) association. Use this report to analyze the balance of the Accounts Payable accrual accounts and track invoices status through the stages of the accounting process. Status values equal Received, Posted, Scheduled to Pay, and Exception.

The report does the following:

The following table describes the Invoice Activity Reconciliation report fields.

Field Name


Activity Date

Date and time of activity on the invoice/credit memo

Invoice #

Number assigned to the invoice by the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user


Name of the vendor that supplied or will supply goods or services to the agency

Click the link under the Supplier Name to view the Vendor form that identifies the vendor name and address, Tax Identification number, Vendor Identification, and Site Identification.

Issue Date

Date and time of invoice issuance

Due Date

Net payment due date, if available; otherwise, this field is blank

IPP Status

IPP Status

  • Received

  • Posted

  • Exception


Displays the invoice amount.

Activity Type

Displays the status message received. The types include:

Failed to post invoice to ERP

The invoice failed to post successfully.

Invoice posted to ERP

The invoice posted successfully to the ERP.

Updated invoice status

The invoice status changed during the activity period.

Invoice Cycle Time Report

The Invoice Cycle Time report measures the amount of time it takes an agency to process invoices. This report displays the total number of invoices paid in a given week, the average time it took to post, approve, and pay the invoice.

IPP limits the results by your ALCs and the group(s) association.

This report is useful in analyzing the number of vendor invoices and when invoices posted or did not post to the accounting system.

Field Name


Week Starting

The week, beginning with Monday, when the invoices/credit memos were created

Invoices Paid

The total number of invoices approved and paid

Average Time to Post (Days)

Average number of days required to post an invoice to the agency's ERP system

Average Time to Approve (Days)

Average number of days between the invoice date and the date the agency updates the invoice status to Scheduled to Pay

Average Time to Pay (Cycle Time)

Average number of days between the invoice date and the invoice payment date

Average Time Awaiting Payment

The total of Average Time to Post, Average Time to Approve, and Average Time to Pay. Represents the average number of days for the vendor to receive payment.

Page Total Average

Total for the page, if there is more than one page in the report it differs from the Grand Total Average

Grand Total Average

Total for each column in the report

Invoice Post Reconciliation Report

The Invoice Post Reconciliation report displays information about invoices posted or failed to post to the agency’s ERP system. The report displays the invoices posted to the account, the vendor name, and amount of the invoices.

IPP filters the report by your assigned ALCs and associated groups.

Use this report to determine the amount of invoices posted to the ERP during a period.

The following table describes the Invoice Post Reconciliation report.

Field Name


Activity Date

Date the invoice posted or failed to post to the ERP

Invoice #

Number assigned to the invoice by the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user


Name of the vendor that supplied or will supply goods or services to the agency

Click the link under the Supplier Name to view the Vendor form that identifies the vendor name and address, Tax Identification number, Vendor Identification, and Site Identification.

Issue Date

Date the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user issued the invoice

Due Date

Date that the invoice was due for payment by the agency


State of the invoice, either Received, posted to an ERP system or Exception, failed to post to the ERP system.


Total amount of the invoice that was paid and posted to the ERP system

Activity Type

Indicates whether the invoice posted to the ERP system or failed to post

Purchase Order Activity Reconciliation Report

The Purchase Order Activity Reconciliation report provides information on the number of POs transmitted between an agency’s ERP system and IPP, the PO creation dates and the amounts, and status.

IPP filters the results based on your ALCs and group(s) association.

This report is useful in analyzing the volume of orders for the agency.

Field Name


Activity Date

Date and time the agency uploaded the PO to the Disburser module

PO #

Number assigned to the PO by the agency

Number of Invoices to date

Number of invoices created for the PO. Click to view the invoices from the PO Related Documents page.


Name of the vendor that supplied or will supply goods or services to the agency

Click the link under the Supplier Name to view the Vendor form that identifies the vendor name and address, Tax Identification number, Vendor Identification, and Site Identification.

Create Date

Date and time of PO creation pulled from PO Upload file

Approval Date

Date and time the agency approved the PO pulled from PO Upload file

IPP Status

Displays the current status of the PO in IPP.

  • Open - PO/BPO is in the Open status and has not been completely fulfilled by the vendor

  • Closed - The vendor fully invoiced the PO or the agency chose to close the PO so they vendor could no longer invoice

  • Void - The agency cancelled the PO prior to invoice creation

  • Exception - PO/BPO had an error and went into exception


Amount of the PO/BPO

Activity Type

Comments regarding PO/BPO activity

Workflow Routing Report

The Workflow Routing report provides insight into all current invoice transactions undergoing processing within IPP. The report enables you to identify and take corrective action on transactions approaching their discount or net due dates. The report also displays the invoice assignee and at what stage it appears in the Workflow process, based on the invoice date.

IPP filters the Routed To column of the Workflow Routing report by your assigned ALCs and associated group(s).

Field Name


Invoice Number

Number assigned to the invoice by the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user

Click to view the invoice.

Vendor Name

Name of the vendor that supplied or will supply goods or services to the agency

Payment Terms

Payment terms of the invoice.

Invoice Total

Total amount of the invoice

PO Number

PO from which the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user created the invoice

Click to view the PO. If the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user did not create the invoice from a PO sent to IPP, IPP displays “No IPP PO”.


Agency Location Code

Displays the ALC number of the agency who received the goods or services from the supplier

Route To

If Workflow is configured, the report displays the name of the Disburser user to whom the invoice/credit memo was routed. Each name is preceded by the following letters:

I = Assigned to an individual

D = Assigned to the Default user

G = Assigned to a group

PG = Assigned to a parallel group

M = Assigned to a routing map

RE = Invoice/credit memo was returned a level

T = Assigned to a routing table

Q = Assigned to a queue

R = Routed to the first user ID passed in the PO set

Note: If a task is assigned to the Queue but not to a queue member, IPP displays the Queue Name.


Waiting Action

Type of action required of the Disburser user (edit, confirm or approval)

Click to view the Routing History.

Receipt Date

Date the agency received the invoice

Days Since Receipt

Number of days since the agency received the invoice

Last Assignment

Day and time the invoice routed to the last assignee

Days Since Assignment

Number of days since the Disburser user's last assignment.

Discount Due Date

Due date for any discount that can be taken

Net Due Date

Invoice/credit memo net due date.

Invoice Date

Date when the invoice/credit memo was created.

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