Manage Queues

The Manage Queues page displays the open tasks assigned to a selected queue and all tasks selected from the queue.

The Manage Queues summary table also displays the invoice tasks by receipt date, assignment date, due date and any penalty days, and amount.

If you have been assigned Queue Management permission by the Disburser Administrator, you can select invoices and reassign them to other individuals in your queue.

You can take the following actions from the Manage Queues page:

Task Assignment Table

Field Name


 check box

Click to select a task from the queue.


Signifies that a discount was applied to the invoice.

Task Description

Describes the type of action to take on the task.

Assigned To

Displays either unassigned or the name of the queue member.

Receipt Date

Date that the invoice was received in the format: mmddyyyy. This column can be sorted in ascending order.

Date Assigned

Displays the date and time the task was assigned to the user in the format: mmddyyyy; hmm am/pm. This column can be sorted.

Due Date

Displays the date the invoice is due in the format: mmddyyyy. If the invoice is subject to prompt pay penalties, the number of penalty days is also displayed. This column can be sorted.


Displays the days that remain until payment is due on the invoice. This column can be sorted.


Displays the total amount of the invoice.


You can take one of two actions on the invoice.

  • Click View to access the associated Invoice Detail page.

  • Click Reassign to open the User Lookup page that includes all users with ALCs and Invoice View permissions.

Lookup Users Page

The Lookup Users page is opened when the user clicks the Reassign button.

Field Name


First Name field

Enter the user’s first name.

Last Name field

Enter the user’s last name.

Email field

Enter the email address of the user.

User Lookup field

Enter an identifier for the user in this field.

Find button

Click to search for the user based on entries.

Leaving fields blank returns all queue members.

Select User - Select the user to reassign queue task(s) to

O radio button

Click to select a user.

User Name

Displays First Name, Last Name

This column can be sorted.


Displays the email address of the user.

User Lookup

Displays the user lookup identification.

Select button

Click to assign the queue task to the selected user and to advance to the Confirm Reassignment page.

If you do not select a user, an error message is displayed, "Please select the new queue task assignee."

Cancel button

Click to cancel the Select User screen and return to the Manage Queues page.

To locate the users to reassign, click the Find button. A list of qualified users is displayed. Click the radio button next to the user's name to select a user. Then click Select.

Confirm Reassignment

The Confirm Reassignment page confirms that the queue task(s) was reassigned to the correct user.

The following table describes the Confirm Reassignment page.

Field Name


Reassign Queue Task(s) to

Displays the name of the user reassigned the task.

OK button

Click to confirm the task(s) reassignment.

Cancel button

Click to remove the user and advance to the Manage Queues page.

$ (Payment Terms)

Indicates that a discount opportunity is available for the invoice.

This column displays only when the Optional Feature “Discount” is selected in CSR.

Task Description

Displays the invoice #, the vendor name, and what task is assigned.

Assigned To

Displays the Last Name, First Name of the user.

This column is sortable.

Receipt Date

Click to select a user.

Date Assigned

Displays First Name, Last Name

This column can be sorted.

Due Date

Displays the anticipated due date in the format: MMDDYYYY and penalty days, if any.


Displays the Days Remaining until Payment is due on the invoice.

This column is sortable.


Displays the invoice total amount.

"No items found"

Displays when there are no tasks to reassign.


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