My Queues

The My Queues feature consolidates all tasks that are assigned to you from the queue. The tasks can come from My Queues or from a reassignment from Manage Queues by a Queue Administrator. The My Queues tab is available to all Disburser users with Invoice Approval permissions belonging to a queue.


Queues are subject to escalation rules through workflow. Escalation is determined by the date the task is assigned to the queue.


A message from the Queue displays the number of unassigned tasks that are in the queue. If you are not assigned to a queue, the message displays "You are not assigned to a queue."

Get Task

The Get Task button assigns the next task to the user by placing the task in the queues table. The task selected by the user is no longer available in the queue, and the unassigned tasks are decremented by one.

Get and Open Task

The Get & Open Task button selects the next task from the queue and opens the Invoice Detail page. The task selected by the user is no longer available in the queue, and the unassigned tasks are decremented by one.

View Queue

Displays all the queues you are a member of. When a queue is selected, the Disburser module filters all tasks assigned for that queue and displays them in the queue summary table.

Date Assigned

Displays the date the task was assigned to the queue. The choices are:

Queue Summary

The information in the table below describes the queue summary section.


Field Name


$ (Payment Terms)

Signifies that the invoice has a discount opportunity if it is approved and paid by the due date.

Task Description

Describes the type of action to take on the task.

Receipt Date

Displays the date the invoice was received in the format: mmddyyyy. This column can be sorted in ascending order.

Date Assigned

Displays the date and time the task was assigned to the user in the format: mmddyyyy; hmm am/pm. This column can be sorted.

Due Date

Displays the date the invoice is due in the format: mmddyyyy. If the invoice is subject to prompt pay penalties, IPP displays the number of penalty days. This column can be sorted.

DPR (Days for Payment Remaining)

Displays the days that remain until payment is due on the invoice.


Displays the total amount of the invoice.


Actions on the invoice.

  • Click View to access the associated Invoice Detail page.

  • Click Reassign to open the User Lookup page that includes all users with ALCs and Invoice View permissions.

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