My Tasks

The My Tasks page consolidates all tasks that are assigned to you, your groups, queues, or parallel workgroup subject to your agency's workflow. The tasks IPP displays in the Task Summary depend on the permissions assigned to you or your user group by an Invoice Administrator.

View Tasks Assigned

You can choose from one of the following:

Date Assigned

Filter the list by date to limit the amount of data IPP displays:

Select All to view all the tasks assigned to the Disburser user for all the time periods. If Custom is chosen, the Disburser user can limit the number of tasks to certain dates.

Task Summary

The information in the table below describes the task summary section.


Field Name


Task Description

Describes the type of action (edit, confirm, approve) to take on the task.  Includes indicator for invoice (INV) or credit memo (CM)

Days Since Receipt

Shows the number of days that have elapsed since the Receipt Date for the invoice.

Date Assigned

Displays the date the task was assigned to the Disburser user.

Due Date

Displays the date the invoice/credit memo is due. If the invoice is subject to prompt pay penalties, IPP displays the number of penalty days.

DPR (Days for Payment Remaining)

Displays the days that remain until payment is due on the invoice (depends on the payment terms associated with the PO or non-PO invoice/credit memo and not on the Prompt Pay rule).


Displays the amount of the invoice/credit memo associated with the task.


Click View to access the associated invoice/credit memo and the My Tasks tab, which displays the actions to take on the invoice/credit memo.

  • Approve - Approve an invoice or credit memo

  • Edit - Correct an invoice or credit memo

  • Return a Level - Return an invoice or credit memo to previous level for correction

  • Re-Assign - Assign an invoice or credit memo to a different Disburser user

  • Reject - Reject an invoice or credit memo

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