Managed Reports


To view Managed Reports, your Disburser Administrator must grant you View Reports permission and permission to the specific reports. Each of the four managed reports require their own permissions (Accrual Report, Invoices In-Process Report, and PO Remaining Balance Reconciliation and Summary Reports) assigned to one of your roles to view. Users with the appropriate permissions can view and print the reports. IPP also requires Invoice View permission.


IPP’s security software does not allow some special characters to be entered in the search fields for Managed Reports. If the user enters an invalid special character in a Managed Reports search field, IPP displays an error message when the user clicks Run to retrieve the report.


The contents of the report depends on a user’s ALC permissions (the ALCs the user can view) and group assignment.

Managed Reports include:

You access the Managed Reports page from the Analysis tab, Managed Reports sub-tab.

Accrual Report

The Accrual report provides information on the invoice obligations over the selected date range. The Accrual report output displays invoice status, routing status, total invoice amount, and vendor information. Run the Accrual Managed Report in either PDF or HTML format.

Field Name


ALC code

Selected Agency Location Code (ALC). A unique identifier created by the government, used by IPP as a specific identifier and assigned to the agency that received the goods or services from a vendor.

Vendor Name

Name of the vendor that provided the goods or services for the invoice.


Unique identifier of the vendor associated with the invoice in the agency ERP system


An identifier associated with one or more than one business units of a single vendor


An identifier associated with one or more locations of a single vendor

Invoice Number

Number assigned to the invoice by the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user

Invoice Date

Date the invoice was created in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

E-Receipt Date

Date the invoice was received in IPP in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

Invoice Line #

Invoice/credit memo line number for an item of the PO/BPO.

Invoice Grand Total

Total amount of all items on the invoice

Service Date From

If provided on the invoice, if not present on the invoice, displays a blank

Service Date To

If provided on the invoice, if not present on the invoice, displays a blank


PO currency

PO Number

Number assigned to the PO by the agency

PO Line #

PO/BPO line number.

Schedule #

Schedule number from the PO/BPO Schedule Details.


Distribution of the items from the PO/BPO.


Contract Line Item Number at the Line level, if uploaded in the PO; otherwise displays N/A (not applicable).


Contract Sub-Line Item Number at the Schedule level if uploaded in the PO; otherwise displays N/A (not applicable).

Schedule Line Total

Total for the schedule

Distribution Amount

Amount for each item

Invoice Status

Received - Invoice received in the Disburser module, but not posted to agency ERP

Routing Status

In Routing - in the Workflow process

Routing Complete - out of Workflow

Not in Routing - not assigned to Workflow

Invoices In-Process Report

The Invoices-In-Process report tracks the number of days Workflow Approvers take to perform an action on (approve, edit, or confirm) invoices, once IPP receives the invoices. The report also includes the Disburser user’s current routing action assignment. For agencies using Workflow, timely approval of invoices helps to avoid prompt pay penalties and realize any discounts included on the invoice. Group and ALC filtering determine the output the Disburser user has access to view.


Run the Invoices In-Process report by the as of receipt date, by ALC, and Groups in either HTML or PDF.


Note:Invoices also includes Credit Memos and POs also include BPOs.


Field Name


ALC-Payer Name

ALC number and the name of the payer associated with the invoice

$ (Discount)

Available discount when paid by the Discount Due Date

Discount Due Date

Date when the agency must pay the referenced invoice to receive the discount

Create Date

Date the invoice was created in IPP

Total # of Days in Routing

Number of days that the invoice was in Workflow

Invoice #

Number assigned to the invoice by the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user

Invoice Grand Total

Total amount of the invoice


Invoice  currency

Payment Terms

Discount terms for the invoice if the agency pays the invoice by the Discount Due Date

Anticipated Due Date

Date when the invoice is due for payment

Current Assignee

Name of the Disburser user currently assigned the invoice through Workflow


If the Current Assignee was assigned due to delegation or reassignment of a task, IPP displays "(DE)" or "(RA)", respectively, to the left of the user's name.


Note: If the Workflow task is assigned to a group and then a member of the group is reassigned to another user, the task remains assigned to the group until all of the original members of the group have been reassigned to other users. Once it is no longer a group assignment, one of the individuals will be displayed as the Current Assignee, but not necessarily the most recent assignee.

Assignment Date

Date Workflow assigned the invoice to the Current Assignee

1st Escalation User

If applicable, name of the first escalation Disburser user

1st Escalation date

If applicable, date of the first Workflow escalation

2nd Escalation User

If applicable, name of the second escalation Disburser user

2nd Escalation Date

If applicable, date of the second Workflow escalation


Number assigned to the PO by the agency, if a PO-based invoice

Vendor Name

Name of the company supplying the goods or services

Cost Center

Code for a department or unit within an organization, in which managers are responsible for associated costs and for adhering to a budget

Cost centers are an expense for the organization.

Business Unit

Code for a segment of a company, such as accounting

Department ID

Code for a larger organization with a specific responsibility

COR Name

Name of the contracting agent

Issue Date

Date the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user issued the invoice for goods or services rendered

Contracting Officer

Name of the Contracting Officer (from the PO Header)


Name of the individual who is the buyer in agency’s ERP (from the PO Header)

E-Receipt Date

Date the invoice was received by the agency

Total # of Days since E-Receipt

Number of days from the time the invoice was received and the report was run.

Date Goods/Services Received

Date the goods/services were received by the agency

Date Goods/Services Accepted

Date the goods/services were accepted by incoming inspection

Custom Field 1-6

Custom values supplied by the agency in the PO upload

IPP does not display dynamic field labels in the header and thus the Custom Field column headers display the file specification label “Custom Field #”.

PO Remaining Balance Reconciliation Report

The PO Remaining Balance Reconciliation report displays a summary of invoice amounts associated with a single purchase order (PO) or blanket purchase order (BPO). The report summarizes the invoices associated with the PO and remaining invoiceable amounts by schedule number. The report includes invoices for the single PO that match the search criteria for the following status types: Received, Pending Approval, Approved to Pay, Paid, Paid – Returned, SAM – Expired, and Scheduled to Pay. IPP orders the invoices by creation date. The Distribution level fields display below the PO invoice detail.


Group and ALC filtering determine the output the Disburser user has access to view.


The report is limited to purchase orders with 500 or fewer schedules. For large POs, use the Reconciliation Download integration task.


Field Name


PO #

PO number from which the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user created the invoice. If the invoice is a Non-PO/BPO invoice/credit memo, the field is blank.

PO Issue Date

Date the PO was issued

PO Revision Number / Supplementary PIID

If applicable, the revision number of updated PO


If applicable, the document version or revision number associated with Procurement Instrument Identifier (PIID)

Freight Limit

Total freight amount applied to the PO

Total Misc

Miscellaneous amount from the PO

PO Total Amount

Total amount of the PO (not the invoiced amount)

IPP PO Remaining Balance

Calculated amount based on the following:

PO OrderAmount

less (sum of total amount of all invoices from agency's ERP (QuantityInvoiced from Line Schedule))

less Sum (Invoice Summary InvoiceTotGrossVal) plus Sum(Absolute(CM Summary InvoiceTotGrossVal))

against the PO


Invoices with the following statuses are not included in the calculation: Exception, Rejected, Voided, and Denied.


PO currency

Vendor Name

Vendor name from the PO Header

Vendor ID

Vendor ID from the PO Header

Total Freight Taken from all invoices

Sum of all freight amounts for all invoices associated with the PO

Total Misc Taken from all invoices

Sum of all miscellaneous amounts for all invoices associated with the PO minus the miscellaneous amount of any credit memos

PO Status

Open, Closed, Exception, Voided

Payment Terms

Payment terms from the PO Header

COR Name

COR name from the PO Header

ALC Number

ALC number from the PO Header

PO Line and Schedule Information

Agency Part Number

Agency part number listed on the line number from the PO

Item Code

Code for the item on the schedule.


Description of the item from the schedule.

Unit of Measure

Unit of measure value, such as “each”.

PO Line Total Amount

Total PO amount at the line level

IPP Remaining Line Amount

Calculated field: PO Total Amount - Total Freight invoiced - Total Misc invoiced - (SUM of (PO Line Total Amount - IPP Remaining Line Amount))


Contract Line Item Number at the line level of the PO, if uploaded in the PO; otherwise, displays N/A (not applicable)


Subline number of the item supplied by the agency. A subline number identifies a PO line item as being a deliverable subline item.


PO Schedule Number

Schedule number for the line number of the PO

Service Date From

For BPOs, the service Start date

Service Date To

For BPOs, the service End date


Quantity at the schedule level

Unit Price

Unit price at the schedule level

PO Schedule Total Amount

Invoiced quantity times the unit price

Total IPP Invoiced Amount

Sum of all amounts at the invoice level for the schedule

Amount Invoiced Outside IPP

Dollar amount of the schedule that has been invoiced outside of IPP through the <QuantityInvoiced> tag in the PO Upload file. IPP validates the value to ensure the Distribution amounts add up to the Schedule amounts.

IPP Remaining Schedule Amount

For goods: Displays the PO schedule total amount less quantity invoiced times the unit priceless the sum of the invoice amounts plus the amount credited.

For services: Displays the PO schedule total amount less the quantity invoiced less the sum of the invoice amounts plus amount credited.


Contract Sub-Line Item Number at the Schedule level of the PO, if uploaded in the PO; otherwise, displays N/A (not applicable)

Invoice Information

Invoice Number

Number of the invoice/credit memo created by the vendor for goods or services; in order of creation date (Invoice Date)

Invoice Date

Date the invoice/credit memo was created

Invoice Amount

Invoiced amount

Invoice Quantity

Invoiced quantity

Invoice Status

Status of the invoice

Paid Date

Date the invoice was paid by the Treasury. If the invoice was updated through Status Maintenance or an Invoice Status upload file, Paid Date is blank.

Distribution Level

Any changes made to Distributions within an invoice during the edit process can result in a mismatch between the balance IPP displays on the Distribution and the balance IPP displays on the Schedule.

PO Distribution Number

DistributionNum value from PO

Distribution Quantity

POQuantity value from PO

Distribution Remaining Quantity

Calculated field:

For Goods:  (PO Distribution Quantity – Quantity Invoiced) – Sum (Invoice Distribution Quantity) + Sum (Absolute(CM Distribution Quantity)) against PO/Sch.Dist.

For Services: Null value

PO Distribution Amount

Amount value from PO

Amount Invoiced Outside IPP

QuantityInvoiced value from PO

Invoiced Distribution Amount

Calculated field:

For Goods: Null value

For Services: PO Distribution Amount – Remaining Distribution Amount

Remaining Distribution Amount

Calculated field:

For Goods: Null value

For Services: (PO Distribution Amount – QuantityInvoiced) – Sum (Invoice Distribution Amount) + Sum(Absolute(CM Distribution Amount)) against PO/Sch.Dist (Taken verbatim from the Automated Reconciliation Download)

PO Remaining Balance Summary Report

The PO Remaining Balance Summary report provides PO-level information and summarizes the information into a single reporting line. Group and ALC filtering determine the output the Disburser user has access to view. Search criteria includes: PO Number, ALC, Vendor ID, PO Issue Date range, PO Status, and PO Hold status.


Field Name


Summary Section

Number of PO Records returned

Number of records of total number of records and the page number of the report

Report Name

PO Remaining Balance Summary Report

Run Date



PO #

PO number from which the vendor or Disburser Self-Service user created the invoice. If the invoice is a Non-PO/BPO invoice/credit memo, the field is blank.

PO Issue Date

Date the PO was issued

PO Revision Number / Supplementary PIID

If applicable, the revision number of updated PO


If applicable, the document version or revision number associated with Procurement Instrument Identifier (PIID)

Total Freight

Total freight amount applied to the PO from the PO Header

Total Misc

Miscellaneous amount from the PO Header

PO Total Amount

Total amount of the PO (not the invoiced amount)

IPP PO Remaining Balance

Calculated amount based on the following:

PO OrderAmount

less (sum of total amount of all invoices from agency's ERP (QuantityInvoiced from Line Schedule))

less Sum (Invoice Summary InvoiceTotGrossVal) plus Sum(Absolute(CM Summary InvoiceTotGrossVal))

against the PO


Invoices with the following statuses are not included in the calculation: Exception, Rejected, Voided, and Denied.


PO currency

Vendor Name

Name of the vendor from the PO Header

Vendor ID

Vendor ID from the PO Header

Set ID

Set ID from the PO Header if supplied; otherwise Blank

Site ID

Site ID from the PO Header

Total Freight Taken from all invoices

Calculated field: Sum of all freight amount for all invoices associated with the PO

Total Misc Taken from all invoices

Calculated field: Sum of all miscellaneous amounts for all invoices associated with the PO minus the miscellaneous amount of any credit memos

Total # of Invoices/Credit Memos

Calculated field: Count of all invoices/credit memos used to determine the IPP PO Remaining Balance amount

PO Status

 Values: Open, Closed, Exception, Voided

Payment Terms

 Blank if no payment term or payment is invalid

COR Name

 COR from PO Header

ALC Number

 From PO Header, blank if not supplied

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