Disburser users can change the schedule for notifications assigned to their role. If Disburser users want to receive a notification not currently assigned to their role or remove notifications assigned to their role, they must contact their Disburser Administrator.
If Workflow is enabled for an agency, IPP automatically assigns the Invoice Activity default notification to Disburser users. The Invoice Activity default notification includes the Invoice Approval Notification, Invoice Edit Notification, and the Invoice Confirm Notification. The applicable notification is generated for a Disburser user when an invoice/credit memo is assigned to the Disburser user for action.
To change a notification schedule:
From the top of the Disburser module page, click Preferences.
From the Notifications Schedules section, click Edit in the Actions column of the notification schedule you want to change. The Edit Notification page appears.
From the Set Schedule section, do any of the following:
Immediately - Receive the notification as soon as it is sent
Hourly - Receive a notification on the hour you select. If you select Hourly, also enter how often. For example, every 2 hours or every 8 hours, and so forth, and also enter at what hour you want the messages to start from the Start Time selection list.
Daily - Receive a notification every day that you select. If you select Daily, also enter how many days. For example, every 3 days, and also enter the Time you want the notification delivered that day.
Weekly - Receive a notification every week on the day that you select. If you select Weekly, select which day of the week you want to receive the notifications and also enter the Time you want the notification delivered.
Click Submit to accept your actions on the Notifications page. IPP displays the User Preferences page and displays your notification in the Notification Schedules section. You can Edit or Remove your notifications.